We Put
Education First
Formed with the spirit of a DYNAMIC idea, passion for teaching and an intellectual pursuit for child development.

FNF Dynamic’s primary goal is to provide kids with a happy, healthy, and rewarding experiences in a safe learning environment. We are committed to students gaining self-esteem and self-confidence, while learning from new experiences. Our programs are designed to challenge, inspire, and motivate children of various ages, while strongly advocating the need to understand and advance the maturity of students through the development of age-appropriate curricula. At FnF, we strive to create a program which allows the natural creativity and individual flair to create memories that will last a life time. F&F Dynamic’s goal is to Enhance, Excite, Educate, Enlighten, and Empower students for success in core content and cultural curriculum areas with a focus on student Engagement and Enjoyment.
Mission & Approach
Our Philosophy
1. Attending to the whole child: Learning isn't just about the academics or what educators refer to as the cognitive learning domain. A wholistic education also includes the affective (social-emotional), and psychomotor (motor-physicals skills) learning domains.
2. Creating a community: Learning isn't only an individual affair, but includes learning from others by understanding the importance of interdependence and the emotional well-being of individuals making up the community.
3. Encouraging collaboration: Solving problems requires that individuals work with each other in a manner where all contribute according to their strengths.
4. Integrating social justice: Community extends passed the school borders and includes neighborhoods, the country, and the world. Caring for individuals passed where the eye can see lays the basis for improving the living conditions of other people.
5. Motivating from within (Intrinsic motivation): Learning occurs when children are motivated not by external motivations such as grades, tests, rewards, recognition. Instead, learning occurs when it stems from a true interest in what they are learning or from a need that they themselves have chosen as important to address.
6. Deepening understanding: Learning is centered around inviting students to think deeply about issues, concentrate not only on the skills and facts but within a framework or context where there is a purpose for learning the material. Many times this type of learning involves an interdisciplinary approach
7. Supporting active learning: Students actively participate in constructing their own learning process. This may include contributing to the curriculum, asking questions and looking for the answers, thinking of possibilities, and evaluating their own learning and their teachers. The emphasis is on active learning rather than passive learning where material is taught to students who are seen solely as “empty vessels.”
8. Taking learners seriously: Educators take students into account. Educators look at the spectrum of different learners in the classroom, include them in the teaching and design of the course, offer students to bring in their own interests, and evaluate their own work.